The BC Arts Council was created in 1995 as an agency of the Province of British Columbia under the Arts Council Act. Using an independent, peer review adjudication process, the BCAC provides grant funding for arts and culture in British Columbia and ensures art and cultural programming is accessible to individuals and communities across the province.

In July 2018, the Council released its Strategic Plan for 2018-2022. Entitled “New Foundations: 2018-2022,” the Plan cultivates the BCAC’s approach to collaboration and co-creation, ensuring program priorities are more responsive to the creative and cultural needs of the people they serve.  In April 2022, Council extended the timeframe of New Foundations and launched Extending Foundations: Action Plan 2022-2024.


The BCAC will strive to ensure that artists and cultural organizations in British Columbia are well-supported, thriving and able to reach their full potential under principles of equity, diversity, accessibility, and reconciliation. Arts and culture are seen as fundamental to developing vibrant and resilient communities, where the people of British Columbia are highly engaged in the province’s unique arts and culture sector and are recognized for their innovation and leadership in Canada and abroad.


  • Artistic Development and Achievement
  • Indigenous Engagement and Cultural Vitality
  • Equity, Access and Diversity
  • Collaboration and Partnerships
  • Engagement and Participation
  • Recognition and Promotion
  • Fair and Transparent Governance

To view our full mandate letter and service plans download them below. Find publications including annual reports and strategic plans here.

Mandate Letter

2023/24 BC Arts Council Mandate Letter

Service Plans

The Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport:
2024/25 – 2026/27
2023/24 – 2025/26
2022/23 – 2024/25
2021/22 – 2023/24