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We are thrilled to welcome four new members to the BC Arts Council.

  • Brian McBay (Vancouver)
  • Carey Fouks (Vancouver)
  • Smokii Sumac (ʔamakʔis Ktunaxa / East Kootenay)
  • Tonya Martin (New Westminster)

All four members were appointed for terms ending August 1, 2026. Council currently has 15 members, which represent the regions, cultural diversity, and artistic communities across B.C. Visit the Council page to learn more about the new members.

Kiran Dhaliwal, a member of Council since 2019, has also been appointed Vice Chair for BC Arts Council. We thank past Vice Chair, Dana Claxton, for her tremendous contribution.

We also thank outgoing members Jai Djwa and Simone Orlando, who both reached their maximum terms, for their work in support of Council over the last six years.

“During Dana Claxton’s, Jai Djwa’s and Simone Orlando’s respective tenures, we have made truly meaningful changes and progress on the BC Arts Council’s strategic vision and plan. It has been an honour to serve alongside them. I offer sincere gratitude for their dedication and obvious passion for this work,” said BC Arts Council Chair Sae-Hoon Stan Chung. “I am delighted to welcome our four new members who will provide new and valuable insights into supporting a vibrant arts and culture sector.”

“Congratulations and a warm welcome to the new members of the BC Arts Council,” said Lana Popham, Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture, and Sport. “The Council plays a vital role in fostering a vibrant arts and culture community, reflecting the province’s incredible diversity. I thank outgoing members for their service and am excited about the further development of this essential work.  I look forward to collaborating with our new members to ensure we continue to have a vibrant arts and culture sector in this province.”

“BC Arts Council has shown outstanding leadership in advancing reconciliation, equity, diversity, inclusion, and access,” said Bob D’Eith, Parliamentary Secretary for Arts and Film. “The expertise and creativity the Council brings are crucial to building a strong and resilient arts and culture sector in B.C. I am grateful to the members who have completed their terms for their hard work and dedication. The addition of new members will bring fresh ideas that will benefit the entire arts and culture community.”