The Province of British Columbia has announced its support for arts and culture organizations through the Arts and Culture Resilience Plan, being delivered through the BC Arts Council. Visit BC Gov News for the news release or find full details, including eligibility, for the Expanded Arts & Culture Resilience Supplement and Pivot Program on our

The Expanded Arts & Culture Resilience Supplement deadline has been extended to Friday, January 29, 2021. For more information regarding the Expanded Arts & Culture Resilience Supplement, including some clarifications regarding eligibility, please visit the program webpage or these FAQs. As announced earlier this fall, the Province of British Columbia has allocated up to $21

Co-op Placements Now Open

Categories: Funding News

The Project Assistance: Co-op Placements program is now open for business! The program assists organizations to hire students through co-op placements and work-integrated learning programs for professional work experience in the arts and culture sector. Awards under this program contribute to the full-time salaries of a student during an eligible work term. Students may be hired

On September 17, 2020 the Province of British Columbia allocated up to $21 million to support an arts and culture resilience plan. The two programs that make up the plan–the Expanded Arts & Culture Resilience Supplement and the Pivot Program–launch on October 16. Administered by the BC Arts Council, these one-time funding opportunities will help

The Launch of Our Fall Project Assistance Programs

Categories: Funding News

We’re pleased to announce the launch of our fall intake of Project Assistance programs. Project Assistance support project-based grants for specific initiatives. For the fall round, applications are welcome from organizations or collectives depending on the program. Project Assistance: Community Arts Organizations Project Assistance: Media Arts Organizations Project Assistance: Museums & Indigenous Cultural Centres Project

Dear colleagues in the arts and cultural sector in B.C., The Minister for Tourism, Arts & Culture, Lisa Beare, has written regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and our sector.  If you have not yet read her letter, I encourage you to do so. This is a profound moment we are experiencing and, as we collectively navigate

The BC Arts Council is pleased to announce the launch of a new pilot program for individual artists. The Microgrant Pilot Program is intended to support professional artists and cultural practitioners in B.C. to adapt either an existing work or their professional practice to respond to emergent needs or changes in the arts and culture

We’re excited to announce that the intake for In-Province Arts Touring and Circulation is now open. This pilot program supports organizations, individuals, and groups to engage in opportunities away from their home base within B.C. The deadline for the program is Sunday, March 8. These opportunities could include touring and circulation activities, planning for the

Change to Spring Program Deadlines

Categories: Funding News

Deadlines have changed for upcoming spring Operating and Professional Project Assistance Programs, including Enhanced Capacity. The new deadline for the following operating assistance programs and associated Enhanced Capacity applications will be April 15, 2020: Operating Assistance for Professional Arts Training Organizations Operating Assistance for Arts Periodicals Operating Assistance for Professional Performing Arts Organizations – Dance

Now Open: Community Arts Festivals

Categories: Funding News

The Community Arts Festival Program is now open for applications. The deadline for the program is 21 February 2020. The program provides support to community-based arts and cultural organizations in British Columbia in the production of a local community arts festival. Funding is intended to assist with the fees to professional artists and technicians engaged