The Arts-Based Community Development (ABCD) program is now open for applications. The ABCD program supports arts and community organizations to engage professional artists in the development and delivery of community-based, arts-centred activities. These activities should contribute to an understanding of arts and culture as a path to health, well-being, human dignity, and celebration. The ABCD

Today the BC Arts Council is pleased to be administering $14 million through additional resilience supplements to arts and culture organizations across the province. The funding comes through StrongerBC: BC’s Economic Recovery Plan and is in addition to the $21 million in support that was announced by the B.C. Government in September 2020. The funding

The Scholarship Awards Program is Now Open!

Categories: Funding News

The Scholarship Awards program is now open for the 2021 intake. Scholarship Awards is our oldest program (in fact, the program predates the establishment of the BC Arts Council). The program assists B.C. residents to attend full-time post-secondary arts training and studies or to pursue high school half-day dance programs. Grants are up to $6000

The BC Arts Council is pleased to partner with Creative BC on the Interactive Fund to help position B.C. creators and producers for promising new markets. The Interactive Fund supports the production of high quality, original, interactive digital media projects, content and software applications owned and controlled by B.C. societies, companies or individuals. Applications are

The Province of BC has announced the recipients of the Arts Infrastructure Program grants delivered through the BC Arts Council. Fifty arts and culture organizations are receiving support to improve their spaces or buy equipment. The dedicated funding will help organizations provide space for artists, offer great programs in their communities and contribute to economic

Pivot for Individuals is Here!

Categories: Funding News

As part of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re pleased to announce a new funding program, Pivot for Individuals. Where the first Pivot program was designed to help organizations and collectives adapt to the impacts of the pandemic, this new program assists individual professional artists, cultural practitioners, and arts administrators to adapt and transition

We listened to feedback from the arts and culture sector and are today announcing clarifications to the eligibility criteria for the Expanded Arts & Culture Resilience Supplement (EACRS). These clarifications will ensure that the supplement—which is designed to support organizations and collectives to manage the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic—reaches all those for whom it

The Province of British Columbia has announced its support for arts and culture organizations through the Arts and Culture Resilience Plan, being delivered through the BC Arts Council. Visit BC Gov News for the news release or find full details, including eligibility, for the Expanded Arts & Culture Resilience Supplement and Pivot Program on our

The Expanded Arts & Culture Resilience Supplement deadline has been extended to Friday, January 29, 2021. For more information regarding the Expanded Arts & Culture Resilience Supplement, including some clarifications regarding eligibility, please visit the program webpage or these FAQs. As announced earlier this fall, the Province of British Columbia has allocated up to $21

Co-op Placements Now Open

Categories: Funding News

The Project Assistance: Co-op Placements program is now open for business! The program assists organizations to hire students through co-op placements and work-integrated learning programs for professional work experience in the arts and culture sector. Awards under this program contribute to the full-time salaries of a student during an eligible work term. Students may be hired