We are excited to announce that Professional Project Assistance programs for organizations and collectives are now open. As part of Extending Foundations: Action Plan 2022 -2024, we are streamlining intakes and reducing barriers, meaning Professional Project Assistance programs for organizations and collectives will have both a spring and fall intake this year. A full list

Today the BC Arts Council, alongside Melanie Mark, Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport, and Bob D’Eith, Parliamentary Secretary for Arts and Film, announced the launch of Extending Foundations: Action Plan 2022-2024. With this announcement, we are extending our 2018-2022 strategic plan to build off our existing commitments and take new actions to support

The BC Arts Council acknowledges the profound moment we are currently experiencing; as we collectively navigate the impacts of COVID-19, we are being called upon to also acknowledge and dismantle the racism, violence, and inequities that exist in our society and our sector. We also acknowledge that inaction from any of us is a form

The BC Arts Council has posted a Short-Form RFP (Request for Proposals) for contracting with an Equity Consultant to support the implementation of New Foundations 2018 – 2022: Strategic Plan for the British Columbia Arts Council, specifically focused on the strategic direction of Equity, Diversity, and Access. This strategic direction includes four proposed actions: strengthening

The BC Arts Council announced the release of its new strategic plan, “New Foundations: 2018-2022” on July 4, 2018. This transformative plan  lays out the framework for the goals and actions of the council for the next five years. Working in collaboration with arts and culture organizations around B.C., the strategy is aimed at improving