We’re pleased to announce that Operating Assistance: Community Arts Organizations program is open for intake. Operating Assistance: Community Arts Organizations provides funding to assist the general operations of established community-based non-profit arts organizations working in community engaged arts through a range of artistic and cultural programming. The program is intended for organizations that sustain an

As part of Extending Foundations: Action Plan 2022 -2024, we’re launching a revised Operating Assistance program for 2022/23, with changes including: One Operating Assistance program deadline for all applicants; Extending the application intake period from 6 to 13 weeks; Expanded eligibility based on funding and organizational history; Return to a two-year funding cycle for all

Come prepared with all your questions as BC Arts Council Program Advisors tell you more about the Early Career Development and Individual Arts Awards: Media Artists programs – now open for intake!  At these online information sessions, you’ll learn more about the details of each program like eligibility, how to apply, available supports, and lots

Come prepared with all your questions as BC Arts Council Program Advisors discuss the Professional Development Program at the Information Session on Wednesday, June 8 from 11:00 – 12:00 PT. Register in advance at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItc-6gpj4iG9MJ98FTvjxhX2TKZ4m7YeOG You can find more information about the Professional Development Program, including full program guidelines and an application preview, on the

We are excited to announce that three programs, Early Career Development, Professional Development and Media Artists, are now accepting applications. Early Career Development supports immersive and highly impactful opportunities for emerging and early career practitioners. Professional Development supports professional artists and arts & culture practitioners to undertake specific learning activities to advance their practice or

Today, the Province of B.C. announced the recipients of the BC Arts Council’s Arts Infrastructure Program.  B.C.’s arts and culture community will benefit from $4 million in grants through the program. This funding will support improvements to spaces and facilities for 84 arts and cultural organizations. “The Arts Infrastructure Program provides access to financial assistance

Come prepared with all your questions as BC Arts Council Program Advisors tell you more about BC Arts Council’s new and upcoming project programs for individuals, collectives and organizations! At these online information sessions, you’ll learn more about the details of each program like eligibility, how to apply, available supports, and lots more, along with

The BC Arts Council is now providing two accessibility programs to address barriers for applicants who are Deaf or have a disability. Application Assistance This program provides funding for support services required to create and submit grant applications, project updates, and final reports for BC Arts Council grants. There is a range of funding amounts

Share your images from the last year

Categories: News

We’re seeking images from grant recipients that help tell the story of B.C.’s arts and culture community over the past year. These images will be considered for use in our 2021/22 annual report, our website, and on other platforms. We’re looking for a variety of images that show: BC Arts Council funded activities which happened

We are excited to announce that Professional Project Assistance programs for organizations and collectives are now open. As part of Extending Foundations: Action Plan 2022 -2024, we are streamlining intakes and reducing barriers, meaning Professional Project Assistance programs for organizations and collectives will have both a spring and fall intake this year. A full list