On September 17, 2020 the Province of British Columbia allocated up to $21 million to support an arts and culture resilience plan. The two programs that make up the plan–the Expanded Arts & Culture Resilience Supplement and the Pivot Program–launch on October 16. Administered by the BC Arts Council, these one-time funding opportunities will help
Information on the Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure Program (CERIP) is now available. CERIP provides grants to support economic resilience, tourism, heritage, and urban and rural economic development projects in communities impacted by COVID-19.
We’re pleased to announce the launch of our fall intake of Project Assistance programs. Project Assistance support project-based grants for specific initiatives. For the fall round, applications are welcome from organizations or collectives depending on the program. Project Assistance: Community Arts Organizations Project Assistance: Media Arts Organizations Project Assistance: Museums & Indigenous Cultural Centres Project
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Arts Infrastructure Program. The $2 million program will help with the development and enhancement of spaces that support the work of B.C.’s arts and cultural practitioners. The new program is a recognition of the vital role that arts and cultural spaces play in communities across the
The BC Arts Council welcomes three new members: Paula Martin, Dr. Sae-Hoon Stan Chung and Evan Klassen .
Keeping workers and employers connected as British Columbia continues on the path towards recovery.
Dear colleagues in the arts and cultural sector in B.C., The Minister for Tourism, Arts & Culture, Lisa Beare, has written regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and our sector. If you have not yet read her letter, I encourage you to do so. This is a profound moment we are experiencing and, as we collectively navigate
Message from the Minister of Tourism, Arts & Culture on next steps for the arts and culture sector As we carefully restart economic activity in our province I want to thank everyone in the arts and culture sector for the steps you’ve taken to help flatten the curve. We’ve made extraordinary progress in B.C. by
The BC Arts Council acknowledges the profound moment we are currently experiencing; as we collectively navigate the impacts of COVID-19, we are being called upon to also acknowledge and dismantle the racism, violence, and inequities that exist in our society and our sector. We also acknowledge that inaction from any of us is a form
The BC Arts Council is pleased to announce the launch of a new pilot program for individual artists. The Microgrant Pilot Program is intended to support professional artists and cultural practitioners in B.C. to adapt either an existing work or their professional practice to respond to emergent needs or changes in the arts and culture