For the past number of years, Kiran Dhaliwal has been actively involved in the governance of several arts and culture organizations in BC. She recently served as the Chair of the Vancouver International Bhangra Celebration for three years. She continues to serve as a Treasurer for the Canada India Education Society which present the Dhahan Prize for Panjabi Literature, the largest monetary prize in the world.
Kiran has been a Member of the B.C. Law Society since 2004. She articled at a downtown firm and subsequently moved to the Fraser Valley for a few years before returning to the Lower Mainland. She has been practicing law for over 15 years as a civil litigator and is currently employed with a Crown Corporation. She is also involved with the Legal Equity and Diversity Roundtable.
A member of Council since 2019, her current appointment is for a term ending July 31, 2025.